Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Starting is the hardest part

I registered for this blog in December and have yet to post.  I spend a lot of time reading other smart women's blogs and know I'm no match.  But I do have some things to say.  But then of course I'm worried about a) offending someone b) having no one read it c) having a lot of people read it, well you get the picture.   I know I'm no Ellen of Senegal, but hopefully I have other redeeming qualities.  Today, snow day number 2 I'm taking the plunge.  I've got this whole "get to know me" thing written, but I seem unable to cut and paste.  I'll figure it out, but for now I just had to post something to get going.....

1 comment:

Africanellen said...

Yeah, Hester! I can't wait to read what you have to say. Knowing your sense of humor, I think I'll be able to closely relate to your rantings! Don't think, just write! Love you, AfricanEllen